Florapark 7 Advocaten kantoor

Dutch lawyer tax law

SVZ advocaten from Haarlem is specialised in tax law. The services of a tax lawyer include providing assistance in disputes about tax assessments, tax fines and tax debts. SVZ advocaten has experience with tax procedures. We regularly apply tax laws and policy rules, and have the necessary financial knowledge so that we can provide you with excellent assistance in tax proceedings and in disputes with the tax authorities. As a tax lawyer, we apply the complex rules within tax procedural law in legal proceedings. Tax procedural law concerns the terms, the burden of proof and rules concerning and the good order of proceedings in a legal proceeding.

SVZ advocaten can assist you in matters such as tax disputes between you and the tax authorities about tax claim recovery, audits, tax directors’ liability and objection and appeal procedures regarding tax assessments. We always work towards the best outcome in close consultation with our client.

Our tax law specialists can also support you in urgent situations to (still) comply with your administrative and tax obligations so that (further) fines and high assessments can be prevented. As a tax lawyer, we have a duty of confidentiality regarding your case and a right of non-disclosure. This means that in the case we are summoned as a witness in your court case, we are authorised to refuse to answer questions that the judge asks us. This allows SVZ advocaten to optimally represent your interests in the field of tax law and protect your legal position.

If you are dealing with problematic tax debts and collection by the tax authorities or you do not agree with a tax assessment, a tax lawyer of SVZ advocaten can assist you wit initiating procedures by raising an objection or submitting formal requests and negotiating with the tax authorities.

Do not hesitate to consult our lawyers for more information about tax law ([email protected]).